Clip Contest Rule Changes
Khai Le
Moving forward PPAGLA will be revising rules for the monthly clip contest. The major changes are outlined below and complete rules are available here.
- Members can submit a maximum of 10 photos per category.
- New and renamed categories.
- General News - An organized event known in advance. Examples - demonstrations, political events, press conferences.
- Spot News - An unscheduled or breaking event. Examples - fires, accidents, crime scenes.
- Sports Action - A photograph capturing peak action or the competitive nature of a sports event.
- Sports Feature - A sports related photograph of a non-peak action moment. Example - Jubilation/Defeat shots.
- Portrait - A photograph revealing something about the subject's character or personality.
- Photo Story - Max 10 photos per story / Max 3 stories per photographer
- Feature - A found situation containing strong human interest.
- Entertainment - Music and performing arts. Examples - Concerts, performances.
These changes will help to streamline the judging process and get entries judged in a timely manner.
Members with questions or comments are encouraged to reach out through the contact page.