2024 Q3 Picture Story
Khai Le
Quarter 3 judges, Josh Morgan and Nathan Howard
First Place: Nice job telling an interesting story photographically. We thought it could have benefited from having more moments and more variety in composition and focal lengths used. We thought this would have been more appropriate in the photo essay category.
Second Place: Good set of images from three different wildfires. We thought it could have been stronger with more images of people who were affected by the fire and fewer images of firefighters so that there’s more variety and broader storytelling about the impact to people and their communities.
Third Place: This group of photos were nice but there were a few that were stronger than others. I would have liked to have seen stronger images all together versus a few and then some that were mediocre.
First Place: Yannick Peterhans / Freelance
Maxson Blesson sleeps on wooden pallets on the top deck of the Ryoma, a boat that brings goods through the Pacific Ocean to Helen Island, Palau, on July 15, 2024. Helen Reef, a remote 40-square-mile atoll at the southwestern bounds of Palau, is home to hundreds of aquatic plants and animals. The rich sea life is a magnet for poachers, which the Hatohobei State Rangers work hard to protect. The four rangers have only each other for company for months at a time, and beyond the poachers, worry about running out of gas for boat patrols, their drinking water, and rising seas that nipp away at the tiny island that hosts their station. The island is home to thousands of birds, which serve as their primary food source.
Maxson Blesson and Carson Ngiralbong, a ranger for the Hatohobei State Rangers, lounge on the second level of the Ryoma, a boat that brings goods through the Pacific Ocean to Helen Island, Palau on July 17, 2024. Helen Reef, a remote 40-square-mile atoll at the southwestern bounds of Palau, is home to hundreds of aquatic plants and animals. The rich sea life is a magnet for poachers, which the Hatohobei State Rangers work hard to protect. The four rangers have only each other for company for months at a time, and beyond the poachers, worry about running out of gas for boat patrols, their drinking water, and rising seas that nipp away at the tiny island that hosts their station. The island is home to thousands of birds, which serve as their primary food source.
Fred Obak, a Hatohobei State Ranger stationed on Helen Island, Palau, throws a rope to a boat as they prepare to exchange fuel cans on July 17, 2024. Helen Reef, a remote 40-square-mile atoll at the southwestern bounds of Palau, is home to hundreds of aquatic plants and animals. The rich sea life is a magnet for poachers, which the Hatohobei State Rangers work hard to protect. The four rangers have only each other for company for months at a time, and beyond the poachers, worry about running out of gas for boat patrols, their drinking water, and rising seas that nipp away at the tiny island that hosts their station. The island is home to thousands of birds, which serve as their primary food source.
From left to right, Metfidza Marino, Aarson Aaron and Aaron Cyrillo look out to Helen Island as a small speed boat transports toilet paper, dog food, and other goods to the remote atoll on July 17, 2024. Helen Reef, a remote 40-square-mile atoll at the southwestern bounds of Palau, is home to hundreds of aquatic plants and animals. The rich sea life is a magnet for poachers, which the Hatohobei State Rangers work hard to protect. The four rangers have only each other for company for months at a time, and beyond the poachers, worry about running out of gas for boat patrols, their drinking water, and rising seas that nipp away at the tiny island that hosts their station. The island is home to thousands of birds, which serve as their primary food source.
Peter Lorenzo, left, walks to a boat that brought supplies, as Jefferson Nestor, a state legislator with Hatohobei State, takes pictures of the bridled tern on Helen Island, Palau, before returning back to the Ryoma on July 18, 2024. Helen Reef, a remote 40-square-mile atoll at the southwestern bounds of Palau, is home to hundreds of aquatic plants and animals. The rich sea life is a magnet for poachers, which the Hatohobei State Rangers work hard to protect. The four rangers have only each other for company for months at a time, and beyond the poachers, worry about running out of gas for boat patrols, their drinking water, and rising seas that nipp away at the tiny island that hosts their station. The island is home to thousands of birds, which serve as their primary food source.
Goods that were brought to Helen Island, Palau, are carried through low tide to the ranger station on July 17, 2024. Helen Reef, a remote 40-square-mile atoll at the southwestern bounds of Palau, is home to hundreds of aquatic plants and animals. The rich sea life is a magnet for poachers, which the Hatohobei State Rangers work hard to protect. The four rangers have only each other for company for months at a time, and beyond the poachers, worry about running out of gas for boat patrols, their drinking water, and rising seas that nipp away at the tiny island that hosts their station. The island is home to thousands of birds, which serve as their primary food source.
Brian Fidiiy and Ray Marino, the governor of Hatohobei State, carry lumber to the ranger station for maintenance repairs on Helen Island, Palau, July 17, 2024. Helen Reef, a remote 40-square-mile atoll at the southwestern bounds of Palau, is home to hundreds of aquatic plants and animals. The rich sea life is a magnet for poachers, which the Hatohobei State Rangers work hard to protect. The four rangers have only each other for company for months at a time, and beyond the poachers, worry about running out of gas for boat patrols, their drinking water, and rising seas that nipp away at the tiny island that hosts their station. The island is home to thousands of birds, which serve as their primary food source.
McCain Maximo runs back into the trees filled with bridled tern nests on the northern end of the sand bar on Helen Island, Palau, on July 17, 2024. Helen Reef, a remote 40-square-mile atoll at the southwestern bounds of Palau, is home to hundreds of aquatic plants and animals. The rich sea life is a magnet for poachers, which the Hatohobei State Rangers work hard to protect. The four rangers have only each other for company for months at a time, and beyond the poachers, worry about running out of gas for boat patrols, their drinking water, and rising seas that nipp away at the tiny island that hosts their station. The island is home to thousands of birds, which serve as their primary food source.
A bridled tern flies on July 17, 2024, on Helen Island, Palau. Helen Reef, a remote 40-square-mile atoll at the southwestern bounds of Palau, is home to hundreds of aquatic plants and animals. The rich sea life is a magnet for poachers, which the Hatohobei State Rangers work hard to protect. The four rangers have only each other for company for months at a time, and beyond the poachers, worry about running out of gas for boat patrols, their drinking water, and rising seas that nipp away at the tiny island that hosts their station. The island is home to thousands of birds, which serve as their primary food source.
Carson Ngiralbong, a ranger with the Hatohobei State Rangers, collects bridled tern for dinner on July 17, 2024, on Helen Island, Palau. Helen Reef, a remote 40-square-mile atoll at the southwestern bounds of Palau, is home to hundreds of aquatic plants and animals. The rich sea life is a magnet for poachers, which the Hatohobei State Rangers work hard to protect. The four rangers have only each other for company for months at a time, and beyond the poachers, worry about running out of gas for boat patrols, their drinking water, and rising seas that nipp away at the tiny island that hosts their station. The island is home to thousands of birds, which serve as their primary food source.
Second Place: Gina Ferazzi, Los Angeles Times
Within the same week, three major wildfires were scorching acres and acres of land and destroying property in Southern California. These there fires are the Bridge fire, Line fire and Airport fire.WRIGHTWOOD, CA - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: Burning embers twinkle in the landscape as the Bridge fire consumes hillsides on both sides of Highway 2 Tuesday night on September 10, 2024 in Wrightwood, California.
WRIGHTWOOD, CA - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: Cal Fire firefighter Alex Jacobs covers his eyes from blowing hot embers from an engulfed horse barn after the Bridge fire spread into the Wrightwood community Tuesday night on September 10, 2024 in Wrightwood, California.
WRIGHTWOOD, CA - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024:The Bridge fire bears down on the community of Wrightwood Tuesday night, September 10, 2024 in Wrightwood, California. The fire is just about 47,000 acres. The town is under a mandatory evacuation order.
WRIGHTWOOD, CA - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: Cal Fire firefighter Alex Jacobs puts water on an engulfed horse barn after the Bridge fire spread into the Wrightwood community Tuesday night on September 10, 2024 in Wrightwood, California.
WRIGHTWOOD, CA - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024:A slow exposure captures burning embers in the trees along Highway 2 as the Bridge fire moves into the community of Wrightwood Tuesday night on September 10, 2024 in Wrightwood, California.
WRIGHTWOOD, CA - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: A firefighter uses hand tools to try and stop the Bridge fire from advancing toward homes in he mountain community of Wrightwood Tuesday night on September 10, 2024 in Wrightwood, California.
GREEN VALLEY LAKE, CA - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: Cars are packed as residents flee the Line fire on September 10, 2024 in Green Valley Lake, California. Green Valley Lake along with most mountain communities in the San Bernardino National Forest are under a mandatory evacuation order.
RUNNING SPRINGS, CA - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: Firefighters are overcome with smoke while battling a house fire as the Line fire burns on September 10, 2024 in Running Springs, California.
SAN BERNARDINO NATIONAL FOREST, CA - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: The Line fire continues to burn in the evening just south Running Springs as seen from Highway 330 on September 10, 2024 in San Bernardino National Forest, California.
RUNNING SPRINGS, CA - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: A Cal Fire firefighter takes a break after battling the Line fire in heavy toxic smoke as a home was engulfed in flames on a tree lined neighborhood on September 10, 2024 in Running Springs, California.
LAKE ELSINORE, CA - SEPTEMBER 12, 2024: An unfinished jigsaw puzzle still remains on a dining room table after the Airport fire destroyed the door to a home in El Cariso Village on September 12, 2024 in Lake Elsinore, California. **The homeowner, Garrett Keene, gave me permission to enter the home
LAKE ELSINORE, CA - SEPTEMBER 12, 2024: Resident Garrett Keene stands in the ruble of his home that was destroyed in the Airport fire in El Cariso Village on September 12, 2024 in Lake Elsinore, California. He evacuated with his wife, four children and 46 animals. He said he had been monitoring the Watch Duty fire app Tuesday morning and saw that 17 airships were fighting the Airport fire in Orange County but none of those air ships dropped any retardant as the fire approached his neighborhood. Many homes were lost in El Cariso Village.
Third Place: Dana Rene White, FREELANCE
An Ecuadoirian women moves a bouquet of balloons down the street in Quito Ecuador Sept 18, 2024

A young Ecuadorian boy watlks to the bus stop with his mom to get to school Sept. 16 in Quito Ecuador.
An Ecuadorian man walks by a cafe in Banos Ecuador Sept 20, 2024.
An Ecuadorian women selling clothes at the Mercado Artesanal La Mariscal Sept. 18 2024.
An Ecuadorian couple sits looking an pictures at Independence Square in Quito Ecuador Sept 18, 2024.

Latacunga Ecuador is largely indigenous with the ethnic breakdown of the Spanish Mestizo which means people who have mixed indigneous and European ancestry.
Josh Morgan is a staff photo and video journalist for USA TODAY based in Washington D.C. He was previously a staff photographer for The Greenville News, Rapid City Journal and was a photo trainee for the Orange County Register.
Nathan Howard is a freelance photojournalist based in Washington D.C., frequently working for Getty Images, The Associate Press, Reuters, Bloomberg, the Washington Post and The New York Times. He was previously a staff photographer at The Columbian in Southwest Washington, The Newport News-Times and the Moscow-Pullman Daily News. His work is often focused on U.S. politics, the destructive impacts of climate change and extremism in the American West.