2022 Student Contest
Student Videographer of the Year 2022- Winner, sponsored by Nikon and the Past Presidents and Retired Members Scholarship Fund
portfolio by Rebeca Loyola, California State University Fullerton
Here is what the judges said:
Very well shot and edited package. They especially liked the framing of her talking-heads with the border wall in the background, just a stones-throw away. The street scenes and supporting video was well shot, thoughtful and creative in their composition. The walking “standup“ at the fence was good storytelling. The portfolio had very effective narratives and visuals to support it.
Student Videographer of the Year 2022- Runner-up
Brenda Elizondo, Cal State University Fullerton
Here is what the judges said:
While her general news packages were solid, I found her bakery feature to show skill and promise in the shooting and especially editing process. Her journalism workshop and bus tour package displayed some good storytelling skills.
Student Still Photojournalist of the Year 2022- Winner, sponsored by Nikon and the Past Presidents and Retired Members Scholarship Fund
Yannick Peterhans, University of Southern California

Here is what the judges said:
This photojournalist demonstrated that gaining trust with a subject is crucial to helping tell an intimate story that requires a sensitive approach. The use of black and white does add some drama to the images, however, the photo story would stand on its own in color, too. Great sports picture. Making use of a somewhat unusual angle and proving that sports images can be subtle and still be compelling. The photos in the additional categories are solid and it will be exciting to see this photographer’s work in the years ahead.
Student Still Photojournalist of the Year 2022- Runner-up
Caylo Seals, Santa Monica College

![Leila [lastname withheld] holding a rose and sign that reads "death to the regime" at the Freedom For Iran rally on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall. The rally marched from Pershing Square with at least a thousand people in attendance as well as b](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52802b23e4b0aea5e0585a6d/1678903751844-DASRG93F5G9WV9GGJZTR/cs.photostory-1.jpg)

Here is what the judges said:
The photo series/story and sports images carried this Photojournalist to runner-up in this year’s competition. The photo story of a protest was well photographed and gave a sense of emotion in the images. The sports photo made great use of action, lighting and clean, tight framing. The news and feature photos in the portfolio are not as strong as the other categories, but there is a well-executed portrait in this entry. This photographer will undoubtedly further develop skills in these categories, as it’s apparent they have a good sense of composition and lighting.