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501 W. Glenoaks, #655
Glendale, CA 91202

2024 Student Contest


Student Videographer of the Year- Winner, sponsored by Nikon and the Past Presidents and Retired Members Scholarship Fund

Noah Quezada / Cal State University Long Beach

Here is what the judges said:

The piece had good framing, speed, and narrative. Overall, the piece reflects what Arturo’s job is all about. The judges liked the transition from the interview in his office to the B roll in the field. They mentioned the good lighting. Judges described it as a job well done, but it needs to be more detailed on the audio side.

Student Videographer of the Year Runner-up

Gian Marco Velásquez, University of Southern California

Here is what the judges said:

When you cover something that is outside with music and people take advantage of the natural sounds....natural sound can really help you in developing a great story just based on the sounds. Editing the story helps it to breathe... naturally. Sound, sound, your friend in the field.


Student Still Photojournalist of the Year- Winner, sponsored by Nikon and the Past Presidents and Retired Members Scholarship Fund

Jake Crandall / Santa Monica College

Here is what the judges said:

A stronger photo story sent this Photojournalist’s entry into first place in this year’s competition. The photographer captured a group of images that tell the story well, with variety that allows viewers to experience the emotion of the essay. The other categories were strong too, especially news and features. Technical ability is displayed in challenging light situations. Knowing that improvement is a matter of continuing the effort that is apparent in these photographs, this photographer will keep creating passionate imagery.

Student Still Photojournalist of the Year - Runner-up

Danilo Pérez / Santa Monica College

Here is what the judges said:

With solid images in all categories, the runner-up Photojournalist’s entry is a standout. The photographs in the feature and portrait categories are good storytellers. Although the photo story is newsworthy, more variety in the photographs would help the viewer. Moving forward, there is room for growth and improvement, but overall, the photographer has a good sense of what makes a great photo.